28 maj 2008
29 April
We start the day hitting the mall, shop til you drop. Later on we eat at Cracker Barell old country store. Half restaurant and half store. Talk about kill two birds with one stone. While we wait for the food we play peg games. Give it a try it's kind of hard. I really badly wants one of the rockers. Check out the webpage were the Cracker Barell get there rockers from Hinkle chairs. I don't think they can ship a plantation double rocker or....a plantation slat bench or...
18 maj 2008
28 April Brookgreen Gardens
Brookgreen Gardens a visit to the park takes all day. We see a lot of snakes not so nice at all. Everytime when it rustle in the bushes my heart jumps. I really hate snakes...

Brookgreen Gardens, the first public sculpture garden in America, has in its collection more than 1,200 works by 350 sculptors. It´s reallly a joy to stroll along.
My friend takes a photo of the snakes but I stick to the gators instead.

They can run faster than a horse...something I learn on our trip. Wonder how fast a snake can crawl...
I think I stick to the marvelous live oaks instead.
Brookgreen Gardens, the first public sculpture garden in America, has in its collection more than 1,200 works by 350 sculptors. It´s reallly a joy to stroll along.
My friend takes a photo of the snakes but I stick to the gators instead.
They can run faster than a horse...something I learn on our trip. Wonder how fast a snake can crawl...
I think I stick to the marvelous live oaks instead.
27 April Boone hall plantation
We contiune our journey with a trip to Boone hall plantation
The only slave street left in the States.
Boone Hall is today one of America's oldest working, living plantations.
This plantation was the settings for North and South- my favourite Tv series, The notebook- movie, Days of our lives - tv series...I recognize the settings from North and South with Patrick Swayze and James Reed.
Live oak trees with spanish moss
Spanish moss - airplants - member of the pineapple family. You can only see it here in the South. The plant is not parasitic, it can sometimes damage the host tree by over-shading the leaves, thus reducing photosynthesis, or by weighing down and breaking the branches. Other than that it´s harmless for the tree. I think it gives the tree a romantic ghostly aura.
17 maj 2008
26 April Charleston
We're parking the car downtown Charleston for a flatrate only 8 dollars for almost a whole day.
I love Charleston. Everywhere we go we see the pineapples. The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality in Charleston and throughout the south. Legend has it, when the sailors returned to Charleston from the West Indies, they would often bring tropical fruit. Pineapples were hung over the door to signal that the man of the house was home and the family could accept visitors. Look around town and you're likely to see the pineapple symbol in some of the unlikeliest places. I can guarantee you that you won't miss it.
I see my first joggling board I have never seen one before, but I now that it's typical for the area around Charleston. A joggling board is a long, pliable board that is supported on each end by wooden stands. The board is springy and a person sitting on it can easily bounce up and down. It was often used by children or couples in love during the 1800s. The male and female would sit at opposite ends of the board and "joggle" up and down. Because the board slopes in the middle, the couple would bounce toward each other and eventually meet in the middle. Isn't that romantic I want a joggling board in my garden...maybe...eventually...hopefully...soon...
We head of to the airport to pick up our friend. While we're waiting we sit in rocking chairs rocking. This is my first time in life that I'm rocking at the airport. I never seen that many rocking chairs as I seen here. I love it... I want a rocking chair as well...Soon...In my new home...
After picking up our friend. We get lost and I mean really lost. Not that fun, but eventually we stop at Sham Creek. A small town close by Mt Pleasant. We're having a really nice Saturday evening, having a wonderful dinner. I never forget the wiev. Big yatches outside the resturantbridge. One boy behind the steering and several girls surrounding him. Got to be Daddy's boat...
One part of the restaurant...This is life...
25 April shopping
Shopping and eating at Friendly's. Our favorite ice-cream parlor in NJ. I haven't been to Friendly's in 11 years. I'm trying real hard to squeeze down an ice-cream but I can't.

Efter allt detta existerar inte efterrätts magen längre...
I´m doing some shopping at Victorias Secret and bath and body works. I love bodysplash, lotions and bodycreams...
Efter allt detta existerar inte efterrätts magen längre...
I´m doing some shopping at Victorias Secret and bath and body works. I love bodysplash, lotions and bodycreams...
Hilton Head 24 April
Startar dagen med ett besök på ön Hilton Head. Givetvis en helt underbar fyr i bakgrunden.

Hilton Head Island with the beautiful lighthouse and boats i the background.Completed in 1970, this was the first privately financed lighthouse to be built since the early 1800s. Visitors who climb the lighthouse steps will find an excellent spot from which to view Hilton Head Island.
We continue our journey towards Beaufort and go for a stroll along the road of beautiful Southern homes.

Beaufort a movieset for productions like Forrest Gump, GI Jane, Rules of engagement and many more. We stop by the chocolate tree for some free samples.
"Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get"
Next stop a cozy coffee place real cold coffee frappuccinos. We sit outside on the porch watching the beautiful settings. This is life sipping ice-cold mochafrappes twisting your toes... We're trying hard to stay the night in the Beaufort area. But because of the graduation for the marines (the marines trains on Parris Island in Beaufort). We won´t find a place to stay in town or close by. Everywhere you go you can read "We support our troops". So typical for the South I never seen those signs before..."In the marine corps, We accomplish great things for our nation and it´s people, and we do so together". I'm having a hard time to understand what so great about the marines...Finally after some driving we find a motel to stay the night.
Hilton Head Island with the beautiful lighthouse and boats i the background.Completed in 1970, this was the first privately financed lighthouse to be built since the early 1800s. Visitors who climb the lighthouse steps will find an excellent spot from which to view Hilton Head Island.
We continue our journey towards Beaufort and go for a stroll along the road of beautiful Southern homes.
Beaufort a movieset for productions like Forrest Gump, GI Jane, Rules of engagement and many more. We stop by the chocolate tree for some free samples.
"Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get"
Next stop a cozy coffee place real cold coffee frappuccinos. We sit outside on the porch watching the beautiful settings. This is life sipping ice-cold mochafrappes twisting your toes... We're trying hard to stay the night in the Beaufort area. But because of the graduation for the marines (the marines trains on Parris Island in Beaufort). We won´t find a place to stay in town or close by. Everywhere you go you can read "We support our troops". So typical for the South I never seen those signs before..."In the marine corps, We accomplish great things for our nation and it´s people, and we do so together". I'm having a hard time to understand what so great about the marines...Finally after some driving we find a motel to stay the night.
11 maj 2008
Savannah 23 april
Morgonen startar med ett vrål ifrån mig. När jag ska spola toaletten svämmar den över. Hela badrumsgolvet på toa blir översvämmat och toaletten slutar aldrig att rinna. Det är bara att ringa på hjälp. Efter den starten så går vi ned och äter den dagliga våfflan till frukost. Sedan upptäcker vi Savannah bland annat det trevliga museet Davenport house.
This morning literally starts with a scream from me. When I´m flushing the toilett it flushes over. The bathroom floor is flooded. Time for me to do something else except of screaming CALL FOR HELP... DIAL 911 or rather the front desk... After that morning it´s waffle´- time. Then we hit the streets of Savannah and we also visit the beautiful house museum Davenport.

Paddle wheelers a tour on the river.
Efter att ha strosat runt i Savannah så beger vi oss till vacka Tybee Island för att senare besöka en supercool restaurang The crab Shack.

Tybee Island lighthouse
Åter en promenad på stranden

Taken from the beach on Tybee Island

Beautiful beachhouses
This morning literally starts with a scream from me. When I´m flushing the toilett it flushes over. The bathroom floor is flooded. Time for me to do something else except of screaming CALL FOR HELP... DIAL 911 or rather the front desk... After that morning it´s waffle´- time. Then we hit the streets of Savannah and we also visit the beautiful house museum Davenport.
Paddle wheelers a tour on the river.
Efter att ha strosat runt i Savannah så beger vi oss till vacka Tybee Island för att senare besöka en supercool restaurang The crab Shack.
Tybee Island lighthouse
Åter en promenad på stranden
Taken from the beach on Tybee Island
Beautiful beachhouses
08 maj 2008
Jekyll Island och Savannah 22 april
Efter frukost, våffla med lönnsirap, munkar och andra godsaker. Tar vi en biltur och en underbar promenad längs med stranden.
After a breakfast of waffles, maple syrup and danish pastries. We´re ready for a walk on the wild side of life... THE BEACH...

Vi besöker också öns historiska museum (gratis). Som har massor av kort från svunna tider.
Sedan kör vi vidare mot Savannah. Ditvägen kantas av felkörningar på bakgator och genom mindre trevliga kvarter. Väl framme tar vi in på Comfort suites. Jäklar så här i efterhand ser jag att de hade både en pool och en bubbelpool (den nya baddräkten blev dessvärre aldrig använd). Efter lite mat i magen är vi redo för alla Savannahs godisaffärer. Överallt får man gratisprover. Men tillslut är sockerbehovet mättat och fötterna trötta. När kvällen kommer övergår vi till något starkare innan sömnen tar överhand.
Finally we drive off to Savannah to stay the night. But first we get lost with the car as usual. This time we´re staying at Comfort suites in the middle of everything. After som food we´re ready to hit the streets of Savannah. Savannah the hometown of pecan pralines. In every candy store we get to sample pecan pralines and they got a lot of candy stores. When our sweet tooth is satisfied we hit the bars for something stronger, before it's bedtime for the ladies.
After a breakfast of waffles, maple syrup and danish pastries. We´re ready for a walk on the wild side of life... THE BEACH...
Vi besöker också öns historiska museum (gratis). Som har massor av kort från svunna tider.
Sedan kör vi vidare mot Savannah. Ditvägen kantas av felkörningar på bakgator och genom mindre trevliga kvarter. Väl framme tar vi in på Comfort suites. Jäklar så här i efterhand ser jag att de hade både en pool och en bubbelpool (den nya baddräkten blev dessvärre aldrig använd). Efter lite mat i magen är vi redo för alla Savannahs godisaffärer. Överallt får man gratisprover. Men tillslut är sockerbehovet mättat och fötterna trötta. När kvällen kommer övergår vi till något starkare innan sömnen tar överhand.
Finally we drive off to Savannah to stay the night. But first we get lost with the car as usual. This time we´re staying at Comfort suites in the middle of everything. After som food we´re ready to hit the streets of Savannah. Savannah the hometown of pecan pralines. In every candy store we get to sample pecan pralines and they got a lot of candy stores. When our sweet tooth is satisfied we hit the bars for something stronger, before it's bedtime for the ladies.
07 maj 2008
Okefenokee Swamp 21 april
Startar dagen med en rejäl amerikansk våffla med massor av lönnsirap. Sedan är det dax för lite alligatorer. Vi bestämmer oss för att åka till Okefenokee wildlife refuge.

Okefenokee betyder "Land of the trembeling earth" och härstammar från indianernas språk.
The Okefenokee swamp derives it's name from Choctaw Indian word meaning "Land of the trembeling earth".
Väl där tar vi en båttur för att få se lite alligatorer. Dessvärre får vi inte se någon, men det är ändå ganska spännande. Efter båtturen tar vi en promenad och där i vattnet får vi äntligen syn på en alligator.

Gator, gator, gator, gator sometimes it works to call them by their name...
Efter båttur, promenad,tågfärd och djurshow. Där man får klappa både det ena och det andra (jag avstår dock). Beger vi oss vidare mot Jekyll Island . I skymmningen kommer vi fram och beslutar oss för att promenera runt ön innan John Blund kommer...Den här gången bor vi lite bättre på Days inn.

Jekyll Island was an exclusive refuge for millionaires in the late 19 th and early 20th centuries.- the winter retreat for some of America's most elite families. The island is now owned by the state of Georgia. The historic disrict is one of the largest, ongoing restoration projects in the southeastern United States.

We spend the night on Jekyll Island and before bedtime we enjoy the sunset and eats dinner at SeaJay's. This waterfront cafe & pub is the home of the original "low country boil." But we all eats something else, of course seafood. It´s a casual restaurant,no dresscode. My friend got nervous and thought it was a dresscode, but shorts and shirts a perfect. It was a little bit chilly so we sat inside, enjoying the Southern hospitality and dialect.
Okefenokee betyder "Land of the trembeling earth" och härstammar från indianernas språk.
The Okefenokee swamp derives it's name from Choctaw Indian word meaning "Land of the trembeling earth".
Väl där tar vi en båttur för att få se lite alligatorer. Dessvärre får vi inte se någon, men det är ändå ganska spännande. Efter båtturen tar vi en promenad och där i vattnet får vi äntligen syn på en alligator.
Gator, gator, gator, gator sometimes it works to call them by their name...
Efter båttur, promenad,tågfärd och djurshow. Där man får klappa både det ena och det andra (jag avstår dock). Beger vi oss vidare mot Jekyll Island . I skymmningen kommer vi fram och beslutar oss för att promenera runt ön innan John Blund kommer...Den här gången bor vi lite bättre på Days inn.
Jekyll Island was an exclusive refuge for millionaires in the late 19 th and early 20th centuries.- the winter retreat for some of America's most elite families. The island is now owned by the state of Georgia. The historic disrict is one of the largest, ongoing restoration projects in the southeastern United States.
We spend the night on Jekyll Island and before bedtime we enjoy the sunset and eats dinner at SeaJay's. This waterfront cafe & pub is the home of the original "low country boil." But we all eats something else, of course seafood. It´s a casual restaurant,no dresscode. My friend got nervous and thought it was a dresscode, but shorts and shirts a perfect. It was a little bit chilly so we sat inside, enjoying the Southern hospitality and dialect.
06 maj 2008
Atlanta den 20 april
Börjar semestern med en rejäl förkylning, typiskt. I Atlanta besöker vi coca-cola museumet. Där får vi se tillverkningsprocessen, kuriosa coca-cola prylar, reklamfilmer och uppleva ett 3D äventyr.
Den inledande guiden börjar med att fråga:
Are you thirsty for coke? Here you will get to sample 70 different products from coca-cola, and best of all drink how much you like. YEAAAA.
Min läsktarm är inte så stor men man får väl offra sig.
Jag provar cola i mängder från alla länder världen över. En del klarar jag inte ens av dricka för det smakar så äckligt. Alla länder har olika smaker på läsken som coca-cola marknadsför. Efter alvedon och cola samt två toabesök lämnar vi The world of coca-cola, flygandes som på små moln av allt koffein.
Vidare mot Atlanta aquarium som är riktigt kul. Även om jag inte tycker att fiskar är det roligaste som finns. Men det finns mycket att titta på sälar, valar, hajar osv. Efter en strapetsrik dag beslutar vi oss för att leta upp ett motell och vila eftersom jag inte är så pigg.

The first day in Atlanta is devoted to The world of Coke. Where you get to sample 70 different products from the coca-cola family. Sip, mix, drink as much as you like and stay for how long as you like. But after a while we´re tired of coke and we head of to the nearby Atlanta aquarium . It's interesting to walk around and explore aquatic life. After a pretty long day we drive off in the sunset to a motel. Not really. After some driving we found a crappy motel for the night. But the weather is really nice though.
Den inledande guiden börjar med att fråga:
Are you thirsty for coke? Here you will get to sample 70 different products from coca-cola, and best of all drink how much you like. YEAAAA.
Min läsktarm är inte så stor men man får väl offra sig.
Jag provar cola i mängder från alla länder världen över. En del klarar jag inte ens av dricka för det smakar så äckligt. Alla länder har olika smaker på läsken som coca-cola marknadsför. Efter alvedon och cola samt två toabesök lämnar vi The world of coca-cola, flygandes som på små moln av allt koffein.
Vidare mot Atlanta aquarium som är riktigt kul. Även om jag inte tycker att fiskar är det roligaste som finns. Men det finns mycket att titta på sälar, valar, hajar osv. Efter en strapetsrik dag beslutar vi oss för att leta upp ett motell och vila eftersom jag inte är så pigg.
The first day in Atlanta is devoted to The world of Coke. Where you get to sample 70 different products from the coca-cola family. Sip, mix, drink as much as you like and stay for how long as you like. But after a while we´re tired of coke and we head of to the nearby Atlanta aquarium . It's interesting to walk around and explore aquatic life. After a pretty long day we drive off in the sunset to a motel. Not really. After some driving we found a crappy motel for the night. But the weather is really nice though.
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