We start our day with breakfast at a lovely McDonald's. I'ts actually the coolest one I ever been to. With a jukebox and a motorbike inside. I'm having a cappucino and a big cupcake filled with chocolate and one with blueberries, jummy. After that we visit the museum of the Romanian peasant's. On display is ceramic collections, ancient Romanian clothes, furniture and wooden items. After that we are up for lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe Bucharest, the biggest Hard Rock in Europe. I'ts a long walk, and on our way we pass the Triumphal arch a smaller version of the one in Paris.

As usual they are renovating it. When we finally reach the Hard Rock Cafe I'm soaked in sweat, but this area was really nice to stroll around in. After lunch we're heading for Europes biggest park and in there we find an even more interesting museum a huge open air museum.
Before we get back to the hotel we finish a bottle of 2 litre coke on the street. I'm dying of thirst no water in sight only soda. But at this moment I don't care about it even though it's so much sugar in regular coke. After a shower we hit the roads again to the area were it all started: The balcony where the dictator held his last speach before he and his wife fled in a helicopter.

First the people are listening to the annualy X-mas speach but soon the word "Noi suntem poporul, jos cu dictatorul!" ("We are the People, down with the dictator") are eccoing in the capital.
We're passing the hotel Intercontinental where the tourist, journalists and the rest of the world watched the first tanks rolled in trying to keep force. The crowd was soon being shot at from various buildings, side streets, and tanks were crushing people. We take the metro back to the hotel it looks like this...

maybe a tank rolled down here, probably

On our way back to the hotel (we don't want to be out to late). Are we looking for a store to buy some chocolate that I have cravings for. But we only find a gas station by the train staion and it's a creepy area. Lots of stray dogs, beggers, Romas and people breathing from inside paperbags. We're moving at a very rapid pace back to our hotel. This is actually the only time I haven't felt safe in Bucharest. Otherwise peolpe are very friendly and their English is very good. The museums in Bucharest are cheap and very interesting, but I'm not going back to Bucharest in the near future... It's recomended if you're a museum buff and a history buff I guess we're all that. Tomorrow Brasov, here we come.