The train gets delayd leaving Bratislava but we're pretty use to that by now. It's hot in Budapest and at the train station I get angry with the securityguard. Because leaving the platform you have to show your ticket. What do they think that you travel without a ticket on the train... I got to tear my bagpack open because I put the tickets in there. I could have thrown them away on the train as well. Good thing I didn't. The hotel booking agent at the train station helps us with a place to stay for the night. For free they drive us right there, bargain. For lunch we're having gulashsoup, bad idea because I get even warmer. Sweat is pouring down my legs like water... My brother has talked about gulashsoup for a long time. So I order two soups. It's such a cheap lunch,great value, even though I get HOT. I bet we're the only ones eating gulash at the market hall in 34C degrees, tourists...

Great market hall

Then we head for the train staion because we want to go by night train to Bucharest. At the train station it's complicated. They are rebuilding it as they did 3 years ago, it looks the same. We can't find where to buy tickets leaving the country. After some asking around we find the right ticketboot. We're buying tickets for a 2 bed sleeping compartment to Bucharest. Then my brother thinks we've bought the wrong tickets and he's talking about it all the time. I get really annoyed with him...After all that we go to
Gerbeaud for cake and coffee.

Later in the evening we walk to
West End City Shopping Center with more than 400 shops. But we're not shopping we're eating at the
T.G.I Fridays Yummi lots of food...