View from the castle hill district strolling around at a leisurely pace.
Then it's time to go back and pick up our luggage and head for the train station.The train is already at the station so we get to board pretty fast and it's right. We're the only ones in the compartment everything worked out just fine. Our neighbours in the compartment next to us are Norwegians, what a coincidence.
Inside the compartment 2 beds and a wash basin.
In my PJ I'm hurrying to the toilet it's so disgusting inside...No photos from in there.
It's hot inside the compartment but we're prepared a big bottle of water and salted peanuts. The conductor comes and tells us that we get a coupon each for getting something from the dining car. My brother goes away and he comes back with 2 sandwiches. He got to choose beetween sandwich or pancakes. I really wanted a cold coke. Anyways the sandwich is not good so we throw it away. After some reading, talking and a phonecall home, we jump in to bed. Or rather I climb up in my bed and I'm terrified I will fall down in the middle of the night. But I'm not falling down I can barley go to sleep. Finally when I drift away someone is screaming passport control. First the Hungarian and after a while the Romanian custom. The Romanian custom are really checking out my passport maybe they thinks it's fake...Eventually after everyone checked it out I'll get it back. Oki Bucharest here we come...