The Palace was designed and nearly completed by the Ceauşescu regime as the seat of political and administrative power. It has 1100 rooms, 12 stories tall and has 2 underground parking lots. Nicolae Ceauşescu's and his wife never got to live here before they were executed in 1989. Today it's the home of the Romanian parliament.
A dark photo from the inside. I wasn't alowd to take any photos for that you needed to have a permisson. The remains of the dictator and his wife are at the Ghencea graveyard. They are buried in seperated graves because they made so much evil together so they should forever be separated. During the regime of Ceausescu abortion and contraception were abolished. From 1983 it became the duty of every woman to produce a minimum of 5 children. The result - the unwanted children of the orphanages and horrific deaths from back street abortions...
Taken from the balcony inside the building.
After this tour of the House of parliament we head back to the hotel for some rest. Later in the evening we take a metro to a shopping center for dinner.
The capital of Romania Bucharest...All the historical houses got demolished and instead Ceausescu wanted it to look like this. Goodnight tomorrow is another day...