hours to get there because we cant read the F******* map. Finally at the office none of our visa cards works, no connection with the banks in Sweden.
Holy shit what shall we do? But I have already spotted an ATM across the street and there we try again. No it doesn't work, but when I try with my card all over again - IT WORKS. Finally we get our money and can buy tickets for the night train to Vienna. This could have turned out to be a real nightmare, but as always we surrvived... Then we head back to the bus station to catch a bus to the main bus station. Where we catch another bus to Bran and Draculas castle. Draculas castle is not really what I expected it to be its a castle...But we are prepared with garlic, crucifix and holy water..
From within the castle walls.
Later we head back to Brasov for dinner and some rest.